Username Passwords To Login The BoomBoom TV Addon

use username and passwords to login boomboomtv addon
BoomBoomTv Addon | Username Passwords Login boomboomroom tv

Hello everybody, few day ago i just creat a post how to install the boomboomtv addon on kodi with 4 steps. But to day, in the video guide that i was created, i see that have many comment as " the boomboomtv addon not working " or " i need username passwords to login boomboomtv addon " etc...

I was checked and see that at this time, when you install the boomboomtv addon kodi and don't use username passwords to login boomboom tv addon. You'll not see any things in there. So in this post i'll give for you a video guide that help you install this addon so easy with few steps and how to get username passwords to login the boomboom room tv.

Video guide Install BoomBoomTV Addon With few steps and Get Username passwords to Login Boomboomtv room

Dowload this plugin  and saved it to any plate that you can finded easy
( user passwords in this video or scroll down to take new username & passwords for login this addon )


Then open your kodi, click Add-ons

Click Add-ons browser Box Icon as this pic

Click Install from zip file

Scroll down and select plugin that you was dowloaded in first step

Wait for have a notice Boom Boom TV Add-on enabled as this pic

Now go back home screen Kodi, then click Add-ons > Video add-ons > right click BoomBoomtv > then click Settings as this pic

new username: sorry we're have not acc boom boom tv at this time
new pass: sorry we're have not pass boom boom tv at this time

✔ P/s: when account & passwords boom boom tv dead. We'll try update new pass soon. Please comeback again !

✔ For everybody who finding a great us uk live tv addon as boomboomtv, you can try with this addon. It's free & It's so awesome :

✔ While we are updating new acc & pass boomboomtv, you should try with other paid addon called Gears TV: (premium share in video)

Click on Username and type new username> OK

Click on Passwords and type new passwordOK > Then continue click OK

Now this addon BoomBoomRoom TV already for you use and watching many live tv channels from it as

We will try update account and passwords often in this post for you can watching boomboomtv addon a long time. 

9 Steps Install BoomBoom Tv Addon on Your Kodi

update new username and passwords boom boom room tv kodi daily
new username bom boom tv: 
new password boom boom tv: 

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